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Références bibliographiques pour les données de solubilité du O2 dans l'eau et quelques solutions aqueuses

[1] W.E. Adeney and H.G. Becker. The determination of the rate of solution of atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen by water. Royal Dublin Society Scienti c Proceedings, 15 :609-628, 1919.
[2] C.J. Anderson, R.A. Keeler, and S.J. Klach. Solubility of krypton and oxygen in water and aqueous uranyl sulphate solutions at elevated temperatures. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 7 :290-294, 1962.
[3] B.B. Benson and D.Jr. Krause. The concentration and isotopic fractionation of oxygen dissolved in freshwater and seawater in equilibrium with the atmosphere. Limnology and Oceanography, 29 :620-632, 1984.
[4] B.B. Benson, D.Jr. Krause, and M.A. Peterson. The solubility and isotopic fractionation of gases in dilute aqueous solution. I. Oxygen. Journal of Solution
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[6] A. Broden and R. Simonson. Solubility of oxygen : part I solubility of oxygen in water at temperature < 150 C and pressure < 5 MPa. Svensk Papperstidning, 81 :541-544, 1978.
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[8] J.H. Carpenter. New measurements of oxygen solubility in pure and natural water. Limnology and Oceanography, 11 :264-277, 1966.
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[13] H.T.H. Kimweri. Solubility of oxygen in aqueous sulfuric acid-metallic salt solutions under pressure leaching conditions. Master's thesis, University of Ottawa, Canada, 1990.
[14] C. Langlais. Impacts geochimiques de la presence d'oxygene sur les saumures en conditions de stockage geologique de CO2 : caracterisation de solubilites. PhD thesis, Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France, 2013.
[15] F.J. Millero and F. Huang. Solubility of oxygen in aqueous solutions of KCl, K2SO4, and CaCl2 as a function of concentration and temperature. Journal of
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[16] F.J. Millero, F. Huang, and A.L. Laferiere. The solubility of oxygen in the major sea salts and their mixtures at 25 C. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,
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[17] F.J. Millero, F. Huang, and A.L. Laferiere. Solubility of oxygen in the major sea salts as a function of concentration and temperature. Marine Chemistry,
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[19] C.N. Murray and J.P. Riley. The solubility of gases in distilled water and sea water - II. Oxygen. Deep Sea Research and Oceanographic Abstracts, 16 :311-320, 1969.
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[23] H. Steen. Determinations of the solubility of oxygen in pure water. Limnology and Oceanography, 3 :423-426, 1958.
[24] E.L. Stephan, N.S. Hat eld, R.S. Peoples, and H.A. Pray. Solubility of gases in water and in aqueous uranyl salt solutions at elevated temperatures and pressures. Technical report, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission BMI-1067, 1956.
[25] Z.-Q. Tan, G.-H. Gao, Y.-X. Yu, and C. Gu. Solubility of oxygen in aqueous sodium carbonate solution at pressures up to 10 MPa. Fluid Phase Equilibria,
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[26] J. Tokunaga. Solubilities of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide in aqueous alcohol solutions. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 20 :41-46, 1975.
[27] E. Wilhelm, R. Battino, and R.J. Wilcock. Low-pressure solubility of gases in liquid water. Chemical Reviews, 77 :219-262, 1977.
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[29] D.L. Wise and G. Houghton. Solubilities and di usivities of oxygen in hemolyzed human blood solutions. Biophysical Journal, 9 :36-53, 1969.
[30] R.G. Wylie and R.S. Fisher. Molecular interaction of water vapor and oxygen. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 41 :175-180, 1996.
[31] A. Yasunishi. Solubility of oxygen in aqueous electrolyte solutions. Kagaku Kogaku Rombunshu, 4 :185-189, 1978.